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Week 52

Christmas time

It's time for small summary of my 52 Lucky Photo Weeks :)

* The total number of views: 3 707  (from last year)
The most views my blog noted in January 2014: 668 views
Frequently displayed post: Week 10 of 9th March 2014
You hit mostly on my blog after the words: "" (83), "mediolan pogoda" (46), "" (35), "cs butelka" (12), "365 lucky days blogspot fotografka" (2), "365 lucky photo days blog (1), "photo" (1)
*The most recipients have: the Polish (9477), the USA (2520) and Russia (1586). On the following places are: Germany (848), Ukraine (356), Romania (259), United Kingdom (248), France (100), Serbia (66) and Bulgaria (49).
The most visited me Chrome users (50%) and least likely to Konqueror users (<1%)
The most visited me Windows users (81%) and least likely to Linux users (<1%)

I want wish you all Happy New Year. 

From new year I'll continue  52 Lucky Photo Weeks. 
Photos will be post on this blog. I hope that you stay with me :)
See you on Sunday :)